In my opinion the state cross race had the best weather conditions of the season. Snow and mud. :] The course was 1.5 miles long with two sets of barriers and two run-ups. There was also two bridges we had to ride over that seemed to cause some problems for a few people. In the junior race we just ended up doing two laps seeing that it took longer than normal to complete one lap. It was very difficult to get started. I found myself getting frusterated because I would try to go one way but the snow would take me the other way. I crashed a couple of times which hurt...but overall the race was fun. The women 1-2 race was one of the last races of the day. The course conditions changed to a mud path mixed with snow. It was still difficult to get started but easier to steer this time. For about half of the first lap I was in a group of three riders which put me in 6th place for the moment. Once we got to the second run-up I got away from the group of three I was with. Once I did that I started to work my way up to Jennifer Greenberg and my soon to be new teammate Elicia Hildebrand. Once I caught them Elicia and I stayed relatively close for the rest of the race. We had about three more laps left and I decided that I was going to try and catch one more person. I ended up catching Sam on the first run-up. We had 2 and a half laps left and I was in third place. For the rest of the race I just tried to increase the gap between me and fourth place. I ended up finishing third overall and second in the state behing Kristen Wentworth being the state champion and Devon Haskell from IL. winning the race.

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